National Poison Prevention Week
Call 800-222-1222
National Poison Prevention Week
March 16th – March 22nd, 2025
National Poison Prevention week (NPPW) was established in 1961 to call attention to the dangers of poisonings. Safety interventions, such as child resistant closures and poison prevention campaigns, have saved thousands of lives. Poisonings can happen at any age and all people can benefit from poison prevention education. In an effort to raise awareness, the Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC) joins poison centers around the country to observe NPPW. Below are some ways to promote NPPW in your home and community and to spread the poison prevention message.

Ideas to Promote NPPW In Your Home And Community
- Utah Poison Control Center Celebrates National Poison Prevention Week
- Top Ten Poison Prevention Tips
- Take our Poison 101 training to learn more about poisonings and how to prevent them from happening
- Play our new Pills vs. Candy: Look-alike Showdown game
- Download new activities and tools for all ages
- Take steps to make your home poison safe with our Home Safety Checklist
- Create a video or poster for the National Poison Prevention Week Contest
- Engage on Social Media during National Poison Prevention Week to help spread the message
- Give a lesson to children, teens, older adults, or parents/caregivers
- View national and state of Utah statistics
- Display free poison prevention materials at your workplace, church, school or other community organization. Order online by creating a free account, or call 801-587-0600 to order
- Download, print and display the NPPW poster
- Encourage everyone to save the 1-800-222-1222 poison control number in their cell phone
- Set up National Poison Prevention Week displays in the community. Examples: Display #1 Display #2
- Poison Prevention Week on a national level